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Aslan Ahmadi

Aslan Ahmadi

Iran University of Medical Science, Iran

Title: Thyroid surgery-Pre and postoperative care address


Biography: Aslan Ahmadi


Iatrogenic injury to recurrent laryngeal nerve in thyroid surgery is an important complication. In thyroid cancer surgery this complication is much more common. When it occurs, at the time of surgery what should we do and at the end of operation what should we in exudation period? When we receive TVC paralysis with the history of thyroid surgery and breathiness after that, we do direct laryngoscopy with evaluation of vocal fold movement. If we found unilateral paralysis with complain of breathiness or aspiration we do medicalization thyroplasty when the patients are sedated or augmentation of vocal cord under general anesthesia directly in the TVC.We have many images or video from this procedure with outcome of such intervention.