Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
International Conference on Thyroid Disorders and Treatment, will be organized around the theme “Outstanding Scientific Developments and Treatment Strategies for Thyroid Disorders”
Thyroid 2016 is comprised of 10 tracks and 85 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Thyroid 2016.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
Thyroid hormones i.e., activities of T4 and T3 are produced by the follicular cells of the thyroid gland and are regulated by TRH & TSH synthesis made by the thyrotropes of the anterior pituitary gland. The effects of T4 in vivo are mediated via T3 (T4 is converted to T3 in target tissues).Proteases digest iodinated thyroglobulin by Thyroglobulin synthesis, releasing the hormones T4 and T3. The biologically active agents for mechanism of transcriptional regulation, leading to increase the production and plays a major role of thyroid-stimulating hormone, which causes the thyroid to enlarge for the regulation of Thyroid hormone receptors gene expression by binding to hormone response elements (HREs) in DNA either as monomers, heterodimers with retinoid X receptor. Thyroid hormones will also effects on Nutrient Sources and also effects on organ systems.
Related Conferences: 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Metabolomics, November 28-30 2016, USA; International Conference on Metabolic Syndromes, October 20-22 2016, UAE; 2nd Global Summit on Hormones and Steroids, June 23-25 2016, USA; Global Summit and Expo on Healthcare, November 09-11 2015, UAE; 3rd International Conference on Endocrinology, November 02-04 2015, USA; Epigenetics, Obesity and metabolism, October11- 15 2015, UK; Canadian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism Professional Conference and Annual Meeting, November 30- December 03 2015, Canada; 11th National Congress on Spanish Association for the Study of Inborn Errors of Metabolism, October 14-16 2015, Spain; 15th international thyroid congress, October 18-23 2015, USA; Lipid Update 2015, November 26-27 2015, UK.
- Track 1-1Iodine metabolism & Thyroglobulin synthesis
- Track 1-2Transport, conversion and activities of T3 and T4
- Track 1-3Action, Expression and Regulation of Thyroid Hormone Receptors
- Track 1-4TRH & TSH synthesis- Mechanism of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
- Track 1-5Mechanism of transcriptional regulation & Thyroid hormone secretion
- Track 1-6Neuroendocrine Regulation of Thyroid Hormones: Role of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
- Track 1-7Factors Regulating Thyroid Hormone Levels
- Track 1-8Effects of Thyroid Hormone on Nutrient Sources
- Track 1-9Effects of Thyroid hormone on organ systems
- Track 1-10Thyroid Circulation and Transport
- Track 1-11Iodine and Thyroid Dietary Recommendations
- Track 1-12Iodine deficiency, Precautions and toxicity of iodine
Thyroid: Diagnosis and Clinical Evaluation
TSH tests, Blood tests and other test to measure thyroid function are readily available and widely used. To understand a test's scientific basis and what it can tell us, a quick review of the thyroid glands pathophysiology is in order. The Thyroid test and TRH stimulation test is the best initial test of thyroid function. In clinical practice, three basic scenarios indicate a need for laboratory and statistical analysis of thyroid function: (1) suspicion of thyroid disease based on clinical signs and symptoms (2) Thyroid scan and imaging (3) evaluation of treatment for thyroid disease.
Related Conferences: International Conference and Exhibition on Dual Diagnosis, July 21-22 2016, USA; International conference on Medical Imaging & Diagnosis, May 09-10 2016, USA; 13th Global Diabetes Conference & Medicare expo, August 08-10 2016, UK; Global Summit and Expo on Healthcare, November 09-11 2015, UAE; International conference on Internal Medicine, November 03-05 2016, USA; Mena Women’s Health Congress, November 5-7 2015, UAE; Optimising Prostate Cancer Diagnostics, September 29-30 2015, UK; 3rd Clinical Congress on Gulf Chapter of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, October 29-31 2015, UAE; Society for Endocrinology BES, November 02-04 2015, UK; Medicine Update, November 06-07 2015, South Africa.
- Track 2-1Thyroid function and TRH stimulation test
- Track 2-2Blood test and other test
- Track 2-3Laboratory and statistical analysis
- Track 2-4Thyroid scan and imaging
- Track 2-5Thyroid function tests
- Track 2-6Fine needle Biopsy
- Track 2-7New Techniques for Thyroid tests
Thyroid: Clinical Studies Cases Reports
A medical case report is generally considered a type of anecdotal evidence. Given their intrinsic methodological limitations, including lack of statistical sampling, case reports are placed at the foot of the hierarchy of clinical evidence, together with case series for the clinical reviews. Nevertheless, case reports do have genuinely useful roles in medical research and evidence-based medicine. In particular, they have facilitated recognition of new diseases like Thyroid and adverse effects of treatments. Case reports have role diseases. They can also help understand the clinical spectrum of rare diseases, as well as unusual presentations of common diseases. They can help generate study hypotheses, including plausible mechanisms. Case reports may also have a role to play in guiding the personalization of disorders and treatments in clinical practice.
Related Conferences: International Conference on Case reports, March 31-April 02 2016, Spain; 3rd Experts Meeting on Medical Case Reports, May 09-11 2016, USA; 8th Euro Global Diabetes Summit and Medicare Expo: November 03-05 2015, Spain; International conference on Internal Medicine, November 03-05 2016, USA; 6th Global Diabetes Summit and Medicare Expo, November 02-04 2015, UAE; Mena Women’s Health Congress, November 5-7 2015, UAE; 32nd National Congress on French Society of Endocrinology, October 7-10 2015, France; Swiss Society of Endocrinology and Diabetology Annual Meeting 2015, November 12-13 2015, Switzerland; The Economist's Health care Forum: War on Cancer, September 29 2015, USA; 26th Annual National Conference on Women’s health Care, September 17-19 2015, USA.
- Track 3-1Diagnosis and Clinical Significance of High Thyroid Disease
- Track 3-2Grave's disease : Signs & Symptoms
- Track 3-3Complications : Hyperthyroidism & Hypothyroidism
- Track 3-4Treatment & Therapy in Pregnancy & Newborns
- Track 3-5Underactive Thyroid and Weight Loss
- Track 3-6Pathophysiology, Diagnosis & Clinical Evaluation of Hypothyroidism
- Track 3-7Screening for Thyroid disease during pregnancy
Thyroid: Nutrition & Supplements
The thyroid gland needs specific vitamins and minerals to properly do its job. Since we are all unique in how our hormones are functioning, the best way to get a handle on what our body specifically needs is to have a full thyroid panel done to help pinpoint where individual levels may be off balance. Research shows us that there are a few key nutrients that are highly valuable for everyone. Some nutrients heavily influence the function of the thyroid gland, and certain foods can inhibit your body's ability to absorb the replacement hormones you may take as part of your thyroid treatment. There's no such thing as a "hypothyroidism diet" that will make you well, but eating smart can help you feel better despite the condition. There are many ways to support thyroid health easily and naturally, utilizing food and nutrients to encourage proper functioning. The way we eat can actually help, or hurt, our thyroid gland. The nutrients our thyroid needs are easily accessible in many foods and dietary supplements. With the right information, we can make simple choices to improve thyroid health.
Related Conferences: 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Nutrition, October 26-28 2015, USA; 7th Health care and Fitness Summit, September 26-28 2016, UK; 4th International Conference on weight Loss and Fitness Expo, November 21-23 2016, UAE; 5th International Conference on Clinical Nutrition, November 28-30 2016, USA; 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Obesity and Weight Management, December 07-09 2016, USA; 15th International Nutrition & Diagnostics Conference, October 05-08 2015, Czech Republic; 9th Diets-European Federation of the Associations of Dietitians Conference, October 23-24 2015, Netherlands; Epigenetics, obesity and Metabolism, October 11-14 2015, UK; 56th Annual Conference on American College of Nutrition’s , November 11-14 2015, USA; British Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Annual Winter Meeting, January 27-29 2016, UK.
- Track 4-1Thyroid Diet & Fact sheet
- Track 4-2Role of Vitamins & Minerals in Thyroid Disease
- Track 4-3Diet and Medications for Thyroid disease during pregnancy
- Track 4-4Thyroid & Metabolism Supplements
- Track 4-5Postpartum Thyroiditis
- Track 4-6Implications for therapy
- Track 4-7Natural Thyroid Medication Treatment and Supplements
- Track 4-8Instructions & Side Effects of Thyroid Medication
- Track 4-9Precautions, recommendations and remedies
- Track 4-10Clinical and Diagnosis Features
Thyroid Cancer: Treatment & Therapy
Thyroid cancer is a cancer originating from follicular or Para follicular thyroid cells. Most often the first symptom and risk factors of thyroid cancer is a nodule in the thyroid region of the neck. However, many adults have small nodules in their thyroids, but typically fewer than 5% of these nodules are found to be cancerous. Papillary, Follicular and Medullary Thyroid cancer are the types of the Thyroid cancer. Thyroidectomy and dissection of central neck compartment is initial step in Treatment of Thyroid cancer in majority of cases. The prognosis and types of standard treatment options of thyroid cancer is related to the type of cancer and the stages of Thyroid Cancer at the time of diagnosis.
Related Conferences: 9th Indo Global Summit on Cancer Therapy, November 02-04 2015, India; 8th Euro Global Summit on Cancer Therapy, November 03-05 2015, Spain; 2nd Global Summit on Hormones and Steroids, June 23-25 2016, USA; 3rd International Conference on Endocrinology, November 02-04 2015, USA; 8th Euro Global Diabetes Summit and Medicare Expo, November 03-05 2015, Spain; 18th ECCO-40th ESMO European Cancer Congress, September 25-29 2015, Austria; The Economist's Health care Forum, September 29 2015: War on Cancer 2015, USA; Optimising Prostate Cancer Diagnostics, September 29-30 2015, UK; 18th Russian Cancer Congress, November 17-19 2015, Russia ; Medicine Update, November 06-07 2015, South Africa.
- Track 5-1Introduction and statistics of Thyroid cancer
- Track 5-2Symptoms and risk factors
- Track 5-3Papillary, Follicular and Medullary Thyroid cancer
- Track 5-4Thyroid Lumps, Nodules and Tumors
- Track 5-5Metastasis and Molecular pathways in Thyroid cancer
- Track 5-6Advances in Thyroid cysts Treatment
- Track 5-7Stages and treatment of Thyroid cancer
- Track 5-8Targeted drugs & Chemotherapy for Thyroid cancer
- Track 5-9Surgical & Hormonal treatment for Thyroid cancer
- Track 5-10Prognosis and types of standard treatment options
- Track 5-11Diagnosis and prevention of cancer
Parathyroid: Treatment & Therapy
Parathyroid disease is conventionally divided into states where Hyperparathyroidism (parathyroid Disease and Hyperthyroidism). A large proportion of patients have “biochemical” hyperparathyroidism but with prolonged follow up they progress to overt clinical presentation. Resection of the parathyroid lesion is curative with recurrences observed mainly in the multiple glandular diseases. Parathyroid glands are no different than every other tissue in the human body--they can develop cancer in them. Parathyroid cancer, however, is extremely rare. Surgery is the most common for Parathyroid Tumours and by far the best treatment for parathyroid cancer. Diagnosis & Treatment for parathyroid cancer depends on the size of the tumour, its location, and whether or not it has spread to other tissues.
Related Conferences: 3rd International Conference on Endocrinology, November 02-04 2015, USA; 8th Euro Global Diabetes Summit and Medicare Expo: November 03-05 2015, Spain; Indo-Global Summit & Expo on Healthcare, October 05-07 2015, India; 7th Health care and Fitness Summit, September 26-28 2016, UK; 2nd Global Summit on Hormones and Steroids, June 23-25 2016, USA; American Thyroid Association International Thyroid Congress, October 18-23 2015, USA; 15th international thyroid congress, October 18-23 2015, USA; 42nd Annual UC Davis Diabetes and Endocrinology Symposium, March 18-19 2016, USA; 3rd Clinical Congress on Gulf Chapter of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, October 29-31 2015, UAE; European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology, October 1-03 2015, Spain.
- Track 6-1Parathyroid Disease and Hyperparathyroidism
- Track 6-2Disorders of Parathyroid gland
- Track 6-3Parathyroid Diseases and Cancer - Treatment
- Track 6-4Surgery for Parathyroid Tumors
- Track 6-5Parathyroid disease during pregnancy
- Track 6-6Differential diagnosis , tests and medical treatment of Hypocalcaemia
Thyroid Disorders: In Children, Teens and Adolescents
Other symptoms such as behaviour changes, changes in school performance, and persistent belly pain may also be present. When the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone (overactive), the condition is called hyperthyroidism. When the thyroid gland produces too little thyroid hormone (underactive), the condition is called hypothyroidism. Thyroid hormone can also lead to Hypothyroidism in new born. Women are more likely than men to have thyroid disease. One in eight women will develop thyroid problems during her lifetime. For example, women are at particularly high risk for developing thyroid disorders following Infertility, Miscarriage & Complications during pregnancy & childbirth. In women, thyroid diseases can cause problems with your menstrual period, Problems getting pregnant, Problems during pregnancy. Postpartum thyroiditis is a syndrome of thyroid dysfunction occurring within the first 12 months of delivery as a consequence of the postpartum immunological rebound that follows the immune tolerant state of pregnancy. Still, the overall lack of evidence precludes a recommendation for universal screening for thyroid disorder during pregnancy.
Related Conferences: Annual Pediatric Emergency Medicine Conference, March 29-31 2016, USA; International Conference and Exhibition on Pediatric Oncology, August 04-06 2016, Canada; Indo-Global Summit & Expo on Healthcare, October 05-07 2015, India; 2nd International Conference on Gynecology & Obstetrics, November 16-18 2015, USA; 6th Global Diabetes Summit and Medicare Expo, November 02-04 2015, UAE; European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology, October 1-03 2015, Spain; 26th Annual National Conference on Women’s health Care, September 17-19 2015, USA; Mena Women’s Health Congress, November 5-7 2015, UAE; 7th Health care and Fitness Summit, September 26-28 2016, UK; 32nd National Congress on French Society of Endocrinology, October 7-10 2015, France.
- Track 7-1Hypothyroidism in newborn
- Track 7-2Hashimoto’s & Postpartum Thyroiditis
- Track 7-3Pediatric Hyponatremia, Raynaud Phenomenon, Acute Anemia
- Track 7-4Congenital Hypothyroidism and Goitre
- Track 7-5Infertility, Miscarriage & Complications during pregnancy & childbirth
- Track 7-6Management of hyper & hypothyroidism in pregnancy
- Track 7-7Effect of Thyroidism on Unborn baby & Neonates
- Track 7-8Clinical and Diagnosis Features
The most common reason for thyroid surgery is the presence of nodules or tumours on the thyroid gland. Most of these thyroid nodules are benign but some are cancerous or pre-cancerous. There are several different types of hormone surgery. The most common are lobectomy, subtotal thyroidectomy, and total thyroidectomy. Thyroid surgery is used for thyroid nodule surgery, Thyroid Surgery for cancer and goitre, and Thymectomy (Surgery to remove thymus. Perfect care should be taken for the recovery after Surgery.
Related Conferences: Global Summit and Medicare Expo on Head & Neck Surgery, November 30- December 01 2015, USA; 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Surgery, October 05-07 2015, UAE; Specialists Meeting on Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders, November 03-05 2016, Spain; Medicine Update, November 06-07 2015, South Africa; 3rd International Conference on Endocrinology, November 02-04 2015, USA; 41st Annual Conference on Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons, October 01-04 2015, India; American Academy of Otothinolaymgology Head and Neck Surgery, September 27-30 2015, USA; 3rd Clinical Congress on Gulf Chapter of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, October 29-31 2015, UAE; Society for Endocrinology BES, November 02-04 2015, UK; Medicine Update, November 06-07 2015, South Africa.
- Track 8-1Thyroid Surgery for cancer and goitre- Types
- Track 8-2Types of Hormone Surgery
- Track 8-3Complications of Thyroidectomy
- Track 8-4Thymectomy ( Surgery to remove thymus)
- Track 8-5Thyroid Nodule Surgery
- Track 8-6Thyroid Surgery in Children
- Track 8-7Post-Surgical Complications and Recovery after Surgery
- Track 8-8Nursing, Pre and Postoperative care
- Track 8-9Anti Thyroid drugs, Surgery and Iodine therapy
Thyroid Challenges & Improvements
The metabolism of T3 and T4 combination therapy into active and inactive intermediates involves the action of 3 types of deiodinases. Recent studies of common genetic variations in deiodinase and thyroid hormone transport proteins offer fresh insights in understanding the variable response to thyroid hormone therapy and future research may clarify whether subsets of patients will benefit from challenges and improvements to combination therapy. Despite significant challenges, opportunities abound for improving the Thyroid Treatment Augments Psychiatric Therapy and also Improvements of Reproductive, Neuro-endocrinology or Neuroendocrine Function in Hypothalamic.
Related Conferences: 3rd International Conference on Endocrinology, November 02-04 2015, USA; 8th Euro Global Diabetes Summit and Medicare Expo: November 03-05 2015, Spain; 9th Global Diabetologists Annual Meeting and Medicare Expo, June 06-08 2016, USA; 4th International Conference on weight Loss and Fitness Expo, November 21-23 2016, UAE; 2nd International Conference on Gynecology & Obstetrics, November 16-18 2015, USA; 11th National Congress on Spanish Association for the Study of Inborn Errors of Metabolism, October 14-16 2015, Spain; 15th international thyroid congress, October 18-23 2015, USA; ; 32nd National Congress on French Society of Endocrinology, October 7-10 2015, France; The Economist's Health care Forum, September 29 2015: War on Cancer 2015, USA; Optimising Prostate Cancer Diagnostics, September 29-30 2015, UK.
- Track 9-1Pharmacology of Thyroid hormone therapy
- Track 9-2T3 & T4 combination therapy
- Track 9-3Challenges and improvements to combination therapy
- Track 9-4Thyroid hormone receptors and independent signaling in brain
- Track 9-5Noncompliance With Medical Treatment
- Track 9-6Improvements of Reproductive, Neuroendocrine Function in Hypothalamic Amenorrhea
- Track 9-7T3 Treatment Augments Psychiatric Therapy
Thyroid Therapy: Medications & Remedies
Thyroid replacement hormones are Novel Thyroid medications used to treat hypothyroidism, a condition in which the production of thyroid hormone in the body is abnormally low. Thyroid hormones increase cellular metabolism (activity of cells) that is responsible for Understanding Thyroid function, Dietary & Lifestyle changes and several other cellular processes. Low levels of thyroid hormones in the body can result in many problems given the numerous activities that they mediate. Purpose of Thyroid Hormone Therapy is to remove the gland, found in the lower neck is responsible for the production of thyroid hormones. Natural Thyroid Medication Treatment and supplements are used for the therapy.
Related Conferences: 9th Indo Global Summit on Cancer Therapy, November 02-04 2015, India; 8th Euro Global Summit on Cancer Therapy, November 03-05 2015, Spain; 2nd Global Summit on Hormones and Steroids, June 23-25 2016, USA; International Conference on Metabolic Syndromes, October 20-22 2016, UAE; 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Obesity and Weight Management, December 07-09 2016, USA; 15th international thyroid congress, October 18-23 2015, USA; Lipid Update 2015, November 26-27 2015, UK; Epigenetics, obesity and Metabolism, October 11-14 2015, UK; 56th Annual Conference on American College of Nutrition’s , November 11-14 2015, USA; British Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Annual Winter Meeting, January 27-29 2016, UK.
- Track 10-1Novel Thyroid Medications
- Track 10-2Purpose of Thyroid hormone therapy
- Track 10-3T3 & T4 combination or metabolism therapy
- Track 10-4Thyroid hormone suppression therapy
- Track 10-5Thyroid Replacement Therapy and effects
- Track 10-6Radioactive iodine therapy
- Track 10-7Thyroid drug use-age and side effects
- Track 10-8Understanding Thyroid function , Dietary & Lifestyle changes